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Water sports and smoking

If you are a fan of water sports such as surfing, you will know that it is not possible to smoke and be active at the same time, water and cigarettes just don’t mix. If you really can’t use willpower to stave off the cravings then you might want to consider as an alternative […]

Six Home Décor Ideas for Surfers

As a surf enthusiast, your home should be a reflection of your passion for the waves. Transforming your living space into a surf-inspired oasis is not only visually appealing but also fosters a sense of coastal tranquility. In this blog, we’ll explore six surf house decor ideas that will have you feeling like you’re riding […]

Will Augmentation Affect Surfing?

It is fair to say that both augmentation and surfing have increased in popularity lately. Improvements have been made in both medical tech and the production of surfboards. Women might choose to attain breast implants for a wide variety of reasons. However, they may also be put off by the idea of it negatively impacting […]

Contracts In Professional Surfing

Surfing is an incredibly popular hobby that appeals to people with a wide range of skill levels. Those who manage to excel at the sport could have the chance to go pro. This is a great way for them to make money doing something that they love. However, it is also important that they understand […]

Surf Plants Love Waves Too

Are you searching for the perfect wave? If so, you’re in good company with plants and sea life, which grow in or near the water. As the sunlight hits the beach, it highlights the rush of avid surfers who feel the rush of an incoming wave. Nestled around the beach landscape, plants and other marine […]

How to Participate in Safe Surfing

Surfing is one of the popular sports that most people love for leisure. Beginners will be excited to engage in this activity for the first time and need guidance. Unlike other outdoor pursuits, surfing is a thrilling sport but may be dangerous if someone lacks basic skills. It is necessary to play safely while surfing […]



Surfers charge RARE wave GOING OFF on first winter swell

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