Are you searching for the perfect wave? If so, you’re in good company with plants and sea life, which grow in or near the water. As the sunlight hits the beach, it highlights the rush of avid surfers who feel the rush of an incoming wave. Nestled around the beach landscape, plants and other marine life sway in the ocean currents. Grow marine life near home with help from a plant care app. Like surfers themselves, there are a few types of plants, which thrive around tidal action.
Seagrass plant families can be found in saltwater. With slender, long leaves, the plant grows in clusters staying close to one another. Hailing from four families, including Zosteraceae, Hydrocharitaceae, Cymodoceaceae, and Posidoniaceae, the plants requires sunlight to grow and create a nice habitat for microscopic sea organisms and small fish. Like real surfers, these plants begin the journey in shallow water. Functionally, the plants are a friend to the seashore, preventing erosion, and helping to maintain the seabed’s stability.
What seashore is complete without kelp floating in tidal waters. The kelp is not a plant or animal but a form of algae. A deep green color, the seaweed adapts to low-water conditions and changing temperatures. Much like board surfers, kelp, also called seaweed can survive high winds and rough tides. The sea palm is one seaweed type, which resembles tiny palm trees. It usually grows in tidal pools.
Algae has plant-like characteristics, such as the ability to facilitate photosynthesis. Varying in color from purple to green, the life form is crusty to touch. Similar to coral, it’s all over the sea and loves to grow in rocky areas, tide pools, and wherever there’s water and sunlight. Like some plants and flowers, dinoflagellates and cyanobacteria algae bloom. Releasing oxygen and consuming carbon dioxide, algae is good for the environment and a valuable food source for marine life.